How I Updated, Built, and Deployed to Launchpad an Ubuntu/Debian Package

I wanted to build Unbound from source for my Pi-hole running Armbian (a debian fork for ARM SBC) for my Banana Pi M2 Zero (a clone of the Raspberry Pi Zero) so that I could enable its cachedb module following this thread for potentially speeding up DNS queries on my local network.

This lead me down the rabbit hole of building C-based Debian packages from source.


sudo apt-get install -y sbuild debhelper ubuntu-dev-tools git-buildpackage

sbuild is the tool we’ll to compile, debhelper contains many necessary commands for buiding debian packages, ubuntu-dev-tools some useful commands (pull-lp-source and mk-sbuild), and git-buildpackage is an incredibly useful tool for Debian development

I recommend having the minimum of the following in your ~/.gbp.conf

pristine-tar = True

This tries to ensure that git-buildpackage generates the same tar files byte-for-byte so that Launchpad doesn’t reject them. See DebianPackaging–pristine-tar-option-explained.

Pulling the source

From original package repository

pull-lp-source --download-only unbound or apt-get source --download-only unbound

Both of these commands have the same output, but apt-get source requires deb-src entries in your /etc/apt/sources.list.

gbp import-dsc ./unbound_1.13.1-1ubuntu5.dsc

cd unbound

You can omit --download-only from pull-lp-source or apt-get source to unpack the .dsc, but then you’ll be unable to use any of the gbp commands which are a major help in managing Debian packages.

From Git

git clone

cd unbound

git branch upstream origin/upstream

git branch pristine-tar origin/pristine-tar

I initially went with this method, but I couldn’t find a Git source for Ubuntu’s version of Unbound, and I suspect that the Git repositories are often not published.

Updating upstream

To update our upstream package to the latest version we’re going to use gbp import-orig. If your primary branch isn’t master, which would only happen when pulling the source from git, you can should use --debian-branch option to specify when using gbp commands in the future.


--uscan automatically gets the latest upstream and signature as defined in debian/watch in an incredibly developer-friendly way; if you plan on maintaining your PPA I’d recommend looking into adding one of these.

gbp import-orig --uscan


If uscan didn’t work or isn’t defined, you can also import compressed tarballs from file or URL. In Unbound’s case it was

gbp import-orig

wget -P ..

gbp import-orig ../unbound-1.15.0.tar.gz

Making changes

You can now make changes that you’d like, I’d recommending commiting smaller and frequently as normal for Git so that gbp dch can generate useful changelogs.

If you haven’t already you should set your name and email in Git.

git config --global "Dacio Romero"

git config --global ""

Update debian/changelog with:

DEBEMAIL="Dacio Romero <>" gbp dch --release --commit

When publishing a PPA it’s important to allow for official versions to take precedence. This can become a bit complicated, so let’s take a look at one of the versions of my packages:


1.15.0 is the version of the upstream package, in the case the actual version of unbound. -0 is the Debian revision ubuntu0 is the Ubuntu revision. ppa1 is our PPAs revison. ~focal1 is additional versioning I used to create builds for every active Ubuntu release.

With the Debian and Ubuntu revisions I set both to 0 since there were no official versions for Ubuntu 1.15.0 in either repository.

See Building a source package and the version section of the Debian Policy Manual for more information on versioning.

--newversion, placed after is the best argument I’ve found for gbp dch for manually specifying a version.

DEBEMAIL is passed onto debchange to fill the new entry with your info in the changelog, but if your NAME and EMAIL environment variables happen to already be set you don’t need this.

Creating the build environment

sbuild requires something called a schroot, I honestly don’t know how to make one manually, but luckily ubuntu-dev-tools includes a command called mk-sbuild to automate this.

mk-sbuild focal

You can specify a different host architecture, the architecture that your package wil run on, with --target which defaults to the build architecture. The build architecture from can be chosen with --arch. If the specified arch differs from your machine it will use qemu through qemu-user-static, .

I’d recommend cross-compiling through the --target option as it’s often faster and you don’t have to worry about qemu’s emulation; personally I’ve run the following error with Ubuntu 20.04 Focal while building with qemu:

semop(1): encountered an error: Function not implemented

As far as I can tell this is a known error (bug report) that’s fixed in newer versions of Ubuntu. It worked for me in Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy, but cross-compiling for armhf from amd64 would error as Jammy doesn’t have pkg-config-arm-linux-gnueabihf at the time of writing.

Upon running mk-sbuild for the first time it’ll prompt you to edit ~/.sbuildrc which the same as sbuild.conf. I’d reccommend commenting out $mailto and setting $maintainer_name as a minimum. Afterwards you can run the same command as before.


Finally we can build the package

gbp buildpackage --git-builder="sbuild --dist=focal --jobs=32 --source-only-changes"

This is a lot so let’s break it down. gbp buildpackage does a number of checks, but most importantly to us is automatically recreating unbound_1.13.1.orig.tar.gz in the same directory that our package’s directory is in which is required for sbuild to start.

You can alternatively run git export-orig to generate that file and then the command in --git-builder.

git-buildpackage by default will use debuild and cowbuilder/pbuilder with the option --git-pbuilder. debuild, cowbuilder/pbuilder, and sbuild are all similar but each have their pros and cons (see Builder choices).

sbuild --arch is the same as mk-sbuild and sbuild --host is the same as mk-sbuild –target, so you should match these if you specified them. --dist is the same as the final argument in mk-sbuild. --jobs enables multiprocessing, you can set this to --jobs=$(nproc) to use all of your threads automatically.

Builder choices


Debuild is a very simple way of building comparitively, but its major drawback is working within the the same environment as your normal one requiring you to dirty your environment with build dependencies (which you have to satisfy yourself).



sudo apt-get install -y pbuilder

cowbuilder is a wrapper around pbuilder and use chroot’s like sbuild does, but isn’t as straightforward as sbuild to set up. It does, however, have official integration with git-buildpackage and built-in apt caching.

You should specify PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD="/usr/lib/pbuilder/pbuilder-satisfydepends-apt" in your ~/.pbuilderrc and /root/.pbuilderrc (can be omitted if you add --configfile ~/.pbuilderrc) for packages get satisfied correctly. Set --mirror when creating a chroot for another distribution than you current and specify --basepath because it defaults to /var/cache/pbuilder/base.cow limiting you to one chroot.

Many options are equivalent between pbuilder and sbuild:

–dist=[distribution]–distribution [distribution]
–arch=[architecture]–architecture [architecture]
–target [architecture]–host-arch [architecture]
–jobs=[n]–debbuildopts “–jobs=[n]”
–debbuildopts="[options]"–debbuildopts “[options]”

Create the schroot

sudo cowbuilder create --distribution focal --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/focal-amd64-base.cow

If you’re cross-compiling (--host-arch is set) you might need to edit its sources.list as cowbuilder doesn’t automatically add the necessary sources for non amd64 or i386 architectures.

For me I had to change:

deb focal main universe
#deb-src focal main universe


deb [arch=amd64] focal main universe
#deb-src focal main universe
deb [arch=armhf] focal main universe
#deb-src focal main universe

Build the package

pdebuild --pbuilder cowbuilder -- --basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/focal-amd64-base.cow --distribution focal --debbuildopts '--jobs=32' or gbp buildpackage --git-pbuilder --git-no-pbuilder-auto-conf --git-pbuilder-options="--basepath /var/cache/pbuilder/focal-amd64-base.cow --distribution focal --debbuildopts '--jobs=32'"

Why did we choose sbuild

mk-sbuild is sbuild’s saving grace as sbuild’s sbuild-createchroot doesn’t nearly do enough compared to cowbuilder’s built in create command. It does a lot of the configuration for you compared to cowbuilder create including not worrying about PBUILDERSATISFYDEPENDSCMD, defining mirrors (including arch’s), and specifying schroot locations.

Signing and uploading to Launchpad

Before uploading to Launchpad you have to:

  1. Create a key
  2. Upload the key to Ubuntu’s keyserver
  3. Import the key into Launchpad
  4. Sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct

It may be necessary to edit the source.changes file before uploading. There seem to be an issue with Launchpad preventing some buiildinfo files from being accepted. Adding --buildinfo-option=-O to --debbuildopts (output buildinfo to stdout) in sbuild or cowbuilder seem to help, but the easiest solution I’ve found is deleting every line referencing the file in source.changes.

You may get an error email back from Launchpad with .orig.tar.gz files if it already exists in on their fileservers, but your version differs. pristine-tar is supposed to help with this, but it’s possible that somehow another version ended up on Launchpad.

There are a few resolutions for this problem:

  • Download the file in Launchpad and rebuild with it
  • Add sd to wherever options are passed to dpkg-buildpackage and subsequently dpkg-genchanges (--debbuildopts for sbuild and cowbuilder)
  • Remove the .orig.tar.gz referenced lines from the source.changes file like with .buildinfo

Next is signing the source.changes file.

debsign unbound_1.15.0-1_source.changes

Upload the package (See Launchpad: Uploading a package to a PPA)

dput ppa:dacio/unbound unbound_1.15.0-1_source.changes

If all has gone well your package should build and be used once completed!

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